Eesti muuseumites on tuhandeid vanu kudumeid, millesse meie esivanemad on kokku kudunud oma ilumeele ja näpuosavuse, mustrid ja värvid, mis kaitsevad ja kaunistavad. Nende hulgas on uhkeid pulmakindaid ja -sukki, mida on kantud vaid elu valitud hetkedel või mis suisa kandmata varandusena alles on hoitud. Aga muuseumiriiulitel on ka esemeid, mida on peetud ja paigatud ja lõpuks on keegi neis räbalates ometigi näinud veel väärtust ja need muuseumisse kogunud.

KUDUJATE KOOPIAKLUBI on otsustanud muuseumivarade hulgast leida need kõige armetumad armsad räbalad, mille ilu on pleekinud ja peetud, rebenenud või suisa näritud. Oleme üksteist kutsunud kuduma neile räbalatele uue elu!

Ootame teid vaatama siinset virtuaalnäitust ja nautima meie kudumite pärandi rikkust! Räbalapildil klikkides avaneb tema uus elu.

There are thousands of old knitted items in Estonian museums into which our ancestors have knitted their sense of beauty, dexterity, patterns and colours that are also decorative and protective. Among them are gorgeous wedding gloves and stockings that have been worn on specific occasions or held as unworn heritage. On those museum shelves there are also items that have been held and mended because someone saw their worth and gathered these tattered remnants into the museums.

KNITTER`S REPRODUCTION CLUB has decided to find among the museums’ possessions these dear and wretched tatters, whose beauty has faded, been torn, or possibly even chewed on. We have invited each other to knit these rags to give them a new life.

We welcome you to our virtual exhibition so you can enjoy the richness of our glove heritage. By clicking on the picture of the tattered remnant, you can see its new life.